More races, classes, variant half-dragon race, etc. The half-dragon's size determines how this action functions. Great add-on for D&D 3.5 An absolute must-have for any campaign where dragons are more than simple beasts. The half-dragon has the breath weapon of its Dragon half. Languages. The half-dragon speaks Draconic in addition to any other Languages it knows. The half-dragon gains Resistance to a type of damage based on its color. Senses. The half-dragon gains Blindsight with a radius of 10 feet and Darkvision with a radius of 60 feet. Otherwise, recalculate the rating after you apply the template.

It keeps its Statistics, except as follow.Ĭhallenge. To avoid recalculating the creature's Challenge rating, apply the template only to a creature that meets the options prerequisite in the Breath Weapon table below. A beast, Humanoid, giant, or Monstrosity can become a half-dragon.