being (Youll still need that python script to import them into blender v2. Maybe one day we will have a GMod where players don't have to live with an error notification on their screen while they play. This model is from a garrys mod addon made by Doktor haus,i only converted. I'm going to expand the system so that we can show all the errors created by a particular gamemode, addon or addon author. As you can see, the error dies straight away. This error was happening when people loaded an old save with a camera in it, a bug I fixed with yesterday's update. To prove this theory, here's another graph. Since the server update was optional, the servers might not have restarted for hours - but clients could still join and get the old Lua files. The fact that they faded out instead of just dying dead suggests to me that they were probably being sent by servers. So I added some code to delete the file if it found it.

(one of my theorys is that it's still on some dedicated servers - but at the time my stats didn't reveal whether error reporting clients were connected to servers). This file must have got left over somehow.

This shouldn't have been happening because a isn't included in GMod anymore. Lua/postprocess/a:6: attempt to call method 'SetMaterialTexture' (a nil value)