10 Kill Macil before speaking with Richter. The opening story could be expanded on in many ways with modern tech. I don't see why the game couldn't be re-done into a modern game and sell. On my normal 21, the pixelation is harsh enough to be distracting.Īnyway. On a PC, I play games like this on a 14" VGA monitor usually. 320x240 is pretty brutal today, but is still higher than the DS screens, so the pixelation is not much worse that many of the DS games I play daily. I guess for 3DS and Vita it would have to be graphically updated a good bit, but if it was out for DS, I would re-buy it on that platform so I could work my way back through it. I really have no comment on it being re-made, but I would think it would make a great game if ported to handhelds of today, being kind of a hybrid shooter/RPG type game. Just basing that off how many people I remember actually owning it when it was "on the shelves". I don't really know if I can say how popular the game was back in the day, but I was always under the impression that it didn't do well. unless I missed a 180 square mile secret area, I don't think that statement is accurate.
All I could ever figures from that claim was that by the time you complete the game you will have covered that much area because of traveling back and forth, but even that would seem a really over the top claim. I don't know how that started, but having played the game I can tell you that it simply isn't that big.
The old claim of "200 Square Miles" the game covers is an error however. I have not played it in years, but I bought it as soon as it became available. I might think of it compared metaphorically to a movie that wasn't so good, but it had many good ideas that were smart and interesting, but as a whole, they didn't come together well as a whole game. Strife was not a "great" game, but for DooM engine stuff of the time, it had some really good ideas.